Activities Glossary

Analysis/Interpretation: Activities involving the investigation or exploration of existing data or information to further understanding of some concept.

Assessment/Evaluation: Activities involving appraisal of the effectiveness of some existing or past action for the purposes of informing future actions.

Capital Development/Rehabilitation: Activities involving the creation, repair, or improvement of new or existing buildings, infrastructure, or other assets.

Demonstration/Pilot Project: Activities involving the illustration, testing, or trialing of some concept.

Digitization/Online Information Access: Activities involving the transformation or creation of new or existing data or information into an electronic format or that publish or make such data or information accessible over the Internet.

Education/Outreach/Engagement: Activities involving sharing of information or inclusion of outside entities for the purposes of educating, engaging, or disseminating information to some audience.

Fund Administration: Activities involving the selection, administration, or oversight of projects funded through the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund, Clean Water Fund, Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund, Outdoor Heritage Fund, or Parks and Trails Fund.

Grants/Contracts: Activities involving competitive grant programs or other monetary support to other entities to be used for some specified purpose or to accomplish some specified goal.

Inventory: Activities involving the collection or compiling of data and information.

Land Acquisition: Activities involving the acquisition of land or an interest in land through purchase of fee title ownership or conservation easement.

Mapping: Activities involving the graphical illustration or diagramming of the details or geospatial features of data or information.

Modeling: Activities involving the simulation of a concept to generate further understanding of behavior and mechanics or develop projections about related past or future circumstances.

Monitoring: Activities involving observation or tracking of a concept to check on continued function or detect change in function.

Planning: Activities involving consideration of data and information to design and prepare a determined course for some ongoing or future action.

Preservation: Activities that support the proper management, maintenance and conservation of buildings, sites, structures, objects and landscapes that have historical or cultural significance in Minnesota to ensure their availability for future generations.

Research: Activities involving systematic, scientific inquiry into some concept to discover or refine understanding of a concept.

Restoration/Enhancement: Activities involving actions to renew or improve the ecological value and quality of land and habitat, particularly that which may have been altered, damaged, or degraded.

Technical Assistance: Activities involving efforts to provide expert advice, assistance, or training that will help some entity or audience in more effectively carrying out its own activities.