Subject Glossary

Agriculture/Forestry/Mining: Projects pertaining to or benefitting the sustainability of Minnesota’s major natural resource based industries of agriculture, forestry, or mining.

Archeology: Projects pertaining to the identification, protection and interpretation of the materials and records of human culture in Minnesota, reflecting the range of people who have inhabited the state from the earliest occupants to those of the recent past.

Arts: Projects pertaining to visual, performing, media, literary or interdisciplinary art forms.  

Arts Access:  Projects that broaden arts opportunities by reducing or eliminating barriers to participation.

Biological Diversity: Projects pertaining to or benefitting a particular life form, species, or ecological community in Minnesota.

Cultural Heritage: Projects pertaining to preserving the values and traditions that identify Minnesotans collectively, and the distinctive values and traditions of the many groups and institutions that make up Minnesota.

Education/Outreach: Projects pertaining to educating, engaging, or disseminating information to some audience.

History: Projects pertaining to preserving the evidence and telling the stories of human habitation and culture in the geographic area now known as Minnesota, from the earliest peoples to the present day.

Historic Preservation: Projects pertaining to the management and preservation of buildings, sites, structures, objects and landscapes that have historical or cultural significance. 

Natural Areas and Habitat: Projects pertaining to or benefitting any of Minnesota’s natural landscapes and the habitat they provide for plants and animals, including wetlands, prairies, forests, grasslands, lakes, rivers, and streams.

Natural Resource Information and Planning: Projects pertaining to the gathering of data and information or involving planning activities that will assist in the sustainable use, management, and preservation of Minnesota’s natural resources.

Recreation: Projects pertaining to or benefitting Minnesota’s recreational opportunities, including biking, walking, hunting, fishing, boating, hiking, camping, and other sports and activities.

Renewable Energy: Projects pertaining to the sustainable production and efficient use of energy, particularly from renewable sources, including sunlight, wind, geothermal, water flow, and biomass.

Tourism: Projects pertaining to or benefitting Minnesota’s visitation by residents and non-residents to scenic and cultural destinations across the state for recreation, leisure, or business purposes.

Water Resources: Projects pertaining to or benefitting Minnesota’s drinking waters, surface waters, and ground waters and their sustainable use, management, preservation, and ability to support healthy aquatic communities.