Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes 2011

Project Details by Fiscal Year
2011 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund
Activity Type
Demonstration/Pilot Project
Counties Affected
Crow Wing
Crow Wing
Project Overview

1). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Candace Simar: Pomme de Terre Tour
Local author, Candace Simar, gave readings from her latest Minnesota historical novel and described how she undertakes research for historical fiction.

2). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Anton Treuer: Assassination of Hole in the Day Tour
Dr. Treur presented a historical slide show and read from his latest book The Assassination of Hole in the Day. The tour continues in January 2011

3). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Aaron Hautala: Finnish Sauna Tour
Brainerd author Aaron Hautala’s book on the Finnish sauna in northern Minnesota was the focus of his tour. He expanded on the role of the sauna and also described the process of authors/photographers developing a book project.

4). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Erin Hart/Paddy O’Brien: Irish stories/Irish songs
Erin Hart, Minnesota author a series of crime novels set in Ireland and Paddy O’Brien, a button box accordion musician held a 1 hour writing workshop and Irish music workshop, followed by a 1 ½ hour concert of readings and music.

5). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Angela Foster Memoir writing workshop series
Angela Foster presented a four week workshop series, each session being 2 hours, in four locations to interested local amateur writers. This program was a more intensive follow-up to short two-hour workshops that she had presented region-wide in year 1 of the legacy funds.

6). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Mary Shideler; The Kayak Lady Tour
Mary Shideler toured with her book The Kayak Lady, telling stories and reading from the book.

7). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Doug Ohman Prairie, lake, forest tour
Mr. Ohman gave slide presentations and told stories from his Minnesota Parks book. In Crosslake and Cass Lake he did the same for his Minnesota public libraries book, because these libraries were featured in it.

8). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Jim Proebstle: Final Incident Tour
Mr. Proebstle talked about the origins of his second novel and the characters in it.

2011 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Proposed Measurable Outcome(s)

1). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Candace Simar: Pomme de Terre TourThat respondents would be introduced to new Minnesota fictionThat respondents would express benefit from learning about the research and writing process of a Minnesota historical fiction writer2). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Anton Treuer: Assassination of Hole in the Day TourThat respondents indicate a better knowledge of a local, historical Ojibwe leader.3). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Aaron Hautala: Finnish Sauna Tour4). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Erin Hart/Paddy O’Brien: Irish stories/Irish songs5). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Angela Foster Memoir writing workshop series6). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Mary Shideler; The Kayak Lady Tour7). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Doug Ohman Prairie, lake, forest tour8). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Jim Proebstle: Final Incident Tour

Measurable Outcome(s)

1). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Candace Simar: Pomme de Terre TourThat respondents would be introduced to new Minnesota fictionThat respondents would express benefit from learning about the research and writing process of a Minnesota historical fiction writer2). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Anton Treuer: Assassination of Hole in the Day TourThe majority of respondents indicated that they had learned more about a local historical figure and about Ojibwe history.  Dr. Treur inspired a native American to bring family historical items to the Longville presentation.3). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Aaron Hautala: Finnish Sauna Tour

  1. The program met my expectations.

80%  strongly agree       15 agree    4% disagree or no comment2. The program was enjoyable for people of all ages.65% strongly agree        25% agree    10% disagree (Comments felt it was more adult appropriate)3.  The program was an enjoyable learning experience.90% strongly agree         10% agree4.  The program enhanced my interest in and understanding of saunas in Finnish cultureAnd Northern Minnesota.82% strongly agree         12% agree    5% disagree or no comment5.  Mr. Hautala's photographs enhanced how I "see" northern Minnesota.78% strongly agree        16% agree     6% no comment or disagree6.  After participating in this program today, are you more likely or less likely to think  ofthe library as a place to experience heritage programming? (please circle the rating thatBest reflects your attitude)#10-55%  #9-39%  #8-5%  #7-0  #6-0  #5-1% 7.  Please rate the overall quality of the program.  Excellent-15   Good-28.  On a scale of 10 to 1, how likely is it that you would recommend this program to yourFriends or family?    #10-78%  #9-7%  #8-15%9.  What did you like best about this program?  Very interesting/the photography/every minute/Finland Pictures/learned so much/history/enthusiasm of presenter, very thoughtful.10.  What was the most interesting thing you learned today?   History of the sauna/Finnish heritage/sauna was used to smoke meat & dry foods/everything!/what is authentic/different kinds of saunas4). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Erin Hart/Paddy O'Brien: Irish stories/Irish songsWhile attendance was poor, attendee satisfaction was high.  The majority strongly agreed that the writing workshop enhanced their ability to recognize or use a sense of place in writing.  The music enhanced their understanding of the role of "place" in enjoying literature. They most liked, in order:  

  • Music history of Ireland.  
  • The interplay of music and writing. 
  • A live author & live musician.  Information. 
  • The subject matter. 
  • Well balanced reading/music presentation. 
  • Seeing, hearing, and feeling Paddy's love of music. 
  • The openness and sharing that both Erin & Paddy gave. 

The majority indicated that their knowledge had increased in the area of Irish music history, similarities of Irish folklore and Finnish foLklore. How the dancing has changed.5). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Angela Foster  Memoir writing workshop series All attendees strongly agreed that this program met their expectations and was an enjoyable learning experience that enhanced their knowledge of memoir writing styles and techniques. Only 1 attendee said that the program did not increase interest in reading memoirs of other Minnesota authors and 2 gave no opinion.The overall program was rated as good or excellent, and 80% of attendees said that they would recommend this program to friends or family.The most interesting things that surveys indicated we learned were:  To have more confidence in myself.  Trust myself to write.  Focus on "heart" of story. Practical writing tips and prompts, and guided writing time.6). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Mary Shideler; The Kayak Lady TourAll attendees agreed or strongly agreed that the program met their expectations and was an enjoyable learning experience.  All also agreed that the program increased their knowledge and interest in kayaking in northern Minnesota.  Over 90% called the program excellent and would recommend it to their friends or family.  Ms. Shideler's attitude and stories received special mention in the evaluations, and some comments indicated that it had changed their knowledge of kayaking.7). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Doug Ohman; Prairie, lake, forest tourMr. Ohman was a few popular speaker, and all of the branch libraries would like him to come back to present his other book.  All participants indicated that the program met expectations and was enjoyable for many agegroups.  78% strongly agreed that the program enhanced their interest in and understanding of Minnesota state parks and 90% strongly agreed that his photography enhanced how they "see" Minnesota. 97% rated the program as excellent and the same perdcentage indicated that they were likely or very likely to recommend this program to friends or family.8). Kitchi Reads/Kitchi Writes - Jim Proebstle:  Final Incident TourThe majority strongly agreed that the program met their expectations and was an enjoyable way to meet the author.  The majority also agreed that it enhanced their knowledge of the mystery of a historical event.  The majority agreed that it increased their interest in regional authors. The most interesting things learned in the program were: the conflict of fact and fiction, the era of the book, and the historical mystery.

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1500 Highway 36 West
Roseville, MN 55113-4266
