KUMD - Curtain Call

Project Details by Fiscal Year
2013 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund
Start Date
July 2012
End Date
June 2013
Project Overview

“Curtain Call” is KUMD’s connection to the theater arts and cinema in the region. As a Friday morning show segment, it will bring details of the latest local theater production or film debuting in the Duluth area. The program will include reviews of various local stage and cinematic show. Spotlights will include information on theater, musicals, and film.

2013 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Number of full time equivalents funded
Proposed Measurable Outcome(s)

More Minnesotans of all ages, ethnicities, abilities and incomes will participate in the arts, culture and history. KUMD’s “Curtain Call” is a program that encourages participation in local theater in two ways. First, by promoting the area productions, “Curtain Call” endorses the artistic value of performing on stage. By simply sharing the wonder and value of these local productions, it encourages those who enjoy acting, singing or stage art, to join a local theater group, to be a part of that wonder, thereby enriching their own lives.Secondly, local theater can only exist when there is an audience to appreciate it. “Curtain Call” is, in essence, the promotional message needed to inform and encourage attendance to all area productions, thereby enriching the lives of each member of the audience.Arts, culture and history will thrive in Minnesota. KUMD’s “Curtain Call” is an important program for promoting the performing arts. When our community attends a local production, it shows support and appreciation for that artistic endeavor, thus allowing the performing arts to thrive in Northeast Minnesota.More K-12 students can affordably learn to read music and play a music instrument, participate in dance, choral, drama and other performing arts. Because “Curtain Call” includes highlights from K-12 productions, it is a perfect way to endorse the importance of attending each show. When a community supports an “event”, it is more likely to encourage other students to participate in the future.Increased potential for visual and literary artists in Minnesota to earn income from their art. KUMD’s “Curtain Call” program is an efficient way to promote attendance at any theater production in Northeast Minnesota. It is our intentions to increase ticket sales by informing our audience about area theater events, thereby increasing writers, performers, and other stage artists’ income.

Measurable Outcome(s)
  • 32 pieces have been uploaded to PRX
  • This segment aired throughout the year and was five to seven minutes long

PRX - Curtain Call

Recipient Board Members
University of Minnesota Board of Regents: Richard B. Beeson - Chair of the Board, Dean E. Johnson - Vice Chair of the Board, Clyde E. Allen, Laura M. Brod, Linda A. Cohen, Thomas W. Devine, John R. Frobenius, David M. Larson, Peggy E. Lucas, David J. McMillan, Abdul M. Omari, Patricia S. Simmons
Project Manager
First Name
Last Name
Organization Name
Street Address
KUMD 130 Humanities 1201 Ordean Ct.
Zip Code
Administered By
Administered by

200 Administration Building
50 Sherburne Avenue
St. Paul, MN 55155
