Author Visit with Jacqueline West

Project Details by Fiscal Year
2014 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Fund Source
Arts & Cultural Heritage Fund
Recipient Type
Start Date
September 2014
End Date
September 2014
Activity Type
Counties Affected
Project Overview
Children's author Jacqueline West of Red Wing, MN, will share her writing process for the junior fiction series "The Books of Elsewhere." During her presentation about writing this series, West will share a multimedia presentation highlighting her writing process. She will also share a reading from her book "The Books of Elsewhere, Volume 5: Still Life" which will be released June 17, 2014. The library will give away copies of the first book in the series to all who want to participate in the discussion. Reading the book before the program will not be mandatory but will be encouraged. This author visit will be scheduled as a family program in September to allow families time to read the book during the summer months.
Project Details
34 participated
Legal Citation / Subdivision
Laws of Minnesota for 2013 Chapter 137, Article 4, Section 2, Subdivision 4
2014 Fiscal Year Funding Amount
Direct expenses
Proposed Measurable Outcome(s)

Written surveys will be distributed to all attendees at the presentation. It is expected that a majority of respondents will learn something about Jacqueline West and her books, learn something about writing children's books and be interested in checking out books by Jacqueline West from the library. In addition, library staff will observe a majority of attendees actively engaging in the program by listening attentively, asking questions, and clapping at the end of the program. Anecdotal responses from attendees will confirm their enjoyment of the program.

Measurable Outcome(s)

Written surveys were given to all participants attending the program. The surveys reflect that all of the respondents learned something about Jacqueline West and writing children's books. Nearly half (44%) of the survey respondents were familiar with the "Books of Elsewhere" prior to the program, and this closely corresponds with the number of survey respondents who picked up a free copy of "The Shadows" prior to the event (48%). Overall, the program was a positive experience for those attending. West's stories about her childhood resonated with audience members. She was honest about her writing process (both the successes and frustrations), and her enthusiasm for "The Books of Elsewhere" series was contagious. Following the program, children and adults gathered in line for 30 minutes to talk to West and purchase books. Young readers were delighted to have West's signature on their newly purchased books. One reader asked West to sign a piece of paper. Afterwards, she excitedly explained that the evening program was her first author event. With five books in the series, many young readers had plans to continue reading the "Books of Elsewhere. "Thanks to the efforts of the school librarians in attendance, many more readers will be enjoying this junior fiction series. These librarians purchased books for their libraries and made plans to share book talk with their students. A key component in making this author event a success was the library's ability to give out copies of the book "The Shadows" prior to the event. The book giveaway created program excitement and reader familiarity. It also drew in an audience crowd made up of 50% young readers.

Project Manager
First Name
Last Name
Organization Name
Traverse des Sioux Library Cooperative
Street Address
1400 Madison Avenue, Suite 622
Zip Code
Administered By
Administered by

1500 Highway 36 West
Roseville, MN 55113-4266
